• Healthier Gluten Free Ad
  • Healthier Gluten Free Ad
  • Healthier Gluten Free Ad
  • Healthier Gluten Free Ad

Eat Your Way Clean

From July through December 2020, I worked as a consultant with Alicia Pope, founder of the clean eating and sustainable living blog Eat Your Way Clean. Our work together began with refreshing the user experience on her site to improve navigability and the overall organization of information to create a clearer, more intuitive journey for the user. Behind the scenes, I wrote copy for post categories to help improve SEO.


By November, Alicia had developed a 5-day online course called Healthier Gluten Free that she was ready to launch. To support the launch, I created Facebook and Instagram ads, working collaboratively with Alicia on the image assets. We A/B tested images and audiences before running the final ad campaign, pictured here. The ads included a carousel as well as an in-ad experience for mobile (final slide). The two ads in the final campaign reached a combined total of over 20K unique users. For the ad measuring results by clicks, the CPC was $1.06 (lower than the industry-wide average of $1.72); for the ad measuring results by reach, the cost per 1K people reached was $2.54. Facebook’s quality ranking of both ads was “Above Average.”


Social Ads, Strategy